May 17, 2023

NEWS: Rep. Jamaal Bowman Reintroduces Resolution Condemning the Great Replacement Theory with Co-Leads Rep. Higgins, CBC Chair Horsford, CHC Chair Barragán, CAPAC Chair Chu, Congressional Equality Caucus Chair Pocan, CPC Chair Jayapal, Rep. Takano, Rep. Raskin, and Rep. Ramirez

For Immediate Release

WASHINGTON, D.C  — Today, Congressman Jamaal Bowman, Ed.D. (NY-16) reintroduced a resolution to condemn the white supremacist “Great Replacement Theory,” along with Rep. Brian Higgins (NY-26), Congressional Black Caucus Chair Steven Horsford (NV-04), Congressional Hispanic Caucus Chair Nanette Barragán (CA-44), Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus Chair Judy Chu (CA-28), Congressional Equality Caucus Chair Mark Pocan (WI-02), Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), Rep. Mark Takano (CA-39), Rep. Jamie Raskin (MD- 08), Rep. Delia Ramirez (IL-03), and a diverse coalition of members of Congress who co-sponsored the resolution. Their reintroduction of the resolution comes following the one-year anniversary of the mass shooting in Buffalo, New York that was fueled by white supremacist ideology. 

The Great Replacement Theory has been the root cause of a string of hateful mass murders and terrorist acts around the world from Buffalo, NY to Christchurch, New Zealand. This resolution is an exercise of Congress’ duty to acknowledge and condemn acts of racial violence and the beliefs that are used to falsely justify them, as well as reaffirm the federal government’s responsibility to combat white supremacy in all forms, with a coordinated whole-of-government approach. Last Congress, the resolution passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 218-205. 

“Gun violence is an existential threat to us all, but it takes deep hate and brainwashing to kill people simply for their race, religion, or national origin. We must tackle gun reform and fight against hate of all kinds to truly eradicate these shocking and shattering mass killings. Congress cannot sit by idly and pretend not to see the impact of the Great Replacement Theory in fueling these acts of terrorism,” said Congressman Jamaal Bowman, Ed.D (NY-16). “Today, I am proud to stand here and lead the introduction of this resolution that condemns the Great Replacement Theory as a white supremacist conspiracy theory that seeks to murder minorities, Jews, Muslims and immigrants alike. I am proud to be joined by my distinguished colleagues and fellow Democrats in taking a first step towards a future that is led by love and truth, not hate and lies.” 

“Sunday, May 14, 2022, marked one year since a white supremacist took the lives of 10 of our neighbors at a grocery store on Jefferson Avenue in the City of Buffalo,” said Congressman Brian Higgins (NY-26). “The same sick conspiracy theory that motivated the Buffalo shooter also fueled racism-inspired acts of terrorism in communities like El Paso and Pittsburgh. The Great Replacement theory drives anti-immigrant rhetoric and justifies attacks on access to reproductive care. I am proud to join Rep. Bowman in introducing a resolution condemning this conspiracy theory, because we must stand up against the ignorance and lies that are driving division and perpetuating violence in our communities.

“The Great Replacement Theory is a radical xenophobic conspiracy theory rooted in racist, antisemitic, fear-mongering that can lead to horrific acts of extremism, such as those we’ve seen in Buffalo and El Paso in recent years,” said CHC Chair Nanette Barragán (CA-44). “At a time when Republicans continue to demonize immigrants, we must stand united to condemn this dangerous and un-American conspiracy theory. Thank you to Congressman Bowman for his leadership on this issue.”

"Despite being cited by the gunmen who killed scores of people in Pittsburgh, El Paso, and Buffalo, the Great Replacement Theory and its vile ideas about Jewish people and people of color continue to be promoted by extreme Republican elected officials and on right wing media outlets. With this resolution, the House can come together to condemn this so-called theory and set out to dismantle white supremacy in all its forms. America isn't and shouldn't be a home just for white people; we are at our best and strongest when we embrace people of all races, religions, ethnicities, and backgrounds,” said CAPAC Chair Judy Chu (CA-28)

“Time and time again, extremists fueled by the Great Replacement Theory commit violent and murderous acts against members of marginalized communities, including at a grocery store in Buffalo, a synagogue in Pittsburgh, and a church in Charleston. This conspiracy theory is vile, racist, and un-American,” said Congressional Equality Caucus Chair Mark Pocan (WI-02). “The Congressional Equality Caucus condemns this conspiracy theory and stands in solidarity with all the communities it targets.”

"The Great Replacement Theory is one of the most pervasive, dangerous forces in our country today,” said CPC Chair Pramila Jayapal (WA-07). “It has stolen Black, Jewish, Latino, Muslim, AAPI, and immigrant lives, and it is on the rise. But while these forces may be resurgent, they are not new. These racist, white supremacist theories have been used from the beginning of our country — directed at different groups of people each time — to turn us against one another. That is why we insist on another way: to govern from love rather than fear, to put forward a vision of unity over separation. I am proud to join Rep Bowman's resolution as chair of the Progressive Caucus — because this work is how we begin."

“The vile, racially motivated act of domestic terrorism that occurred at a grocery store in a predominantly Black neighborhood in Buffalo, New York one year ago today was the direct result of radicalized right-wing extremists fueled by the conspiratorial belief in the Great Replacement Theory, and enabled by Republicans who foment this hate and refuse to address the threat this poses to our nation,” said Rep. Mark Takano (CA-39). “I am reintroducing this resolution with my colleagues to condemn the Great Replacement Theory and commemorate the lives of victims of this mass shooting. We cannot accept this as our reality and we must prevent these tragedies from happening in the first place.”

“The ‘Great Replacement’ twists the immigrant experience at the heart of American history into a racist and antisemitic conspiracy theory,” said Rep. Jamie Raskin (MD-08).“It teaches people to fear immigrants, believe in essentially fascist concepts of racial culture, and follow sinister lies about George Soros and other Jewish scapegoats. Numerous far-Right gunmen jacked up on Great Replacement theory have gone on shooting sprees and engaged in massacres of non-white citizens, like the one which took ten lives in a Buffalo supermarket this time last year. The Great Replacement Theory is a clear and present danger to our communities, the American social fabric, our children and future generations. I’m proud to stand with Rep. Bowman and my House colleagues against this poisonous ideology.”

"Extremist white supremacy theories, like the Great Replacement Theory, are the biggest threat to our multi-racial democracy, period. White supremacy is antisemitic, xenophobic, racist, sexist, homophobic, and ableist, and it is actively harming our communities with extreme violence," said Rep. Ramirez (IL-03), Vice Ranking Member of the House Select Committee. “This theory, coupled with a lack of common-sense gun legislation, has had deadly consequences, and it's more urgent than ever that we stand up to it. That's why I am honored to co-lead on the resolution condemning the Great Replacement Theory that Congressman Bowman is introducing again, along with many of our Democratic colleagues. I urge my Republican colleagues to join us in opposing white supremacy."
